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ADHD Coaching Forum - December 2024 - Beyond “Fight, Flight or Freeze”-The unfortunate truth about why sometimes we Lie


Beyond “Fight, Flight or Freeze”-The unfortunate truth about why sometimes we Lie

Event Information

Is someone in your family, your workplace, or your social group labelled a “liar”? Maybe you notice yourself, telling “fibs” to get around tough situations, such as being late for an appointment or meeting, What if some Fibbing” was not a character flaw but  a self-preservation response, an outcome of challenges with  inhibition, emotional regulation, working memory, and attention- key executive functions?

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss practical solutions to support people with or without ADHD and their significant others when at risk. Knowing that the fib response is triggered often by fear, supporting all involved how to address this issue, resolving/ reducing harm to the relationships at risk


Monica Hassall, ACC

Monica Hassall is an ADHD and Executive function Coach, from Brisbane. She has a Nursing Background and then her coaching journey started in 2012. She started ADHD Coach training and subsequently co-founded “Connect ADHD Coaching”.  She is a Credentialed ADHD Coach. She has presented at ADHD Conferences both Nationally and Internationally yearly since 2018. Monica’s work has been published in ADDitude magazine and ATTENTION magazine. She runs a Live ADHD High School program, as well as working with adults of all ages with ADHD, as well as with Families with ADHD.

Key Takeaways

From the session you’ll come away with the following learnings.

  • Understand the motivation and underpinnings for why fibbing occurs when someone feels trapped
  • Develop an opportunity for connection as opposed to disconnection and shame
  • Develop an awareness of what is happening in the brain at the “point of performance”
  • Learn strategies to support resilience and improved self-esteem in place of fibbing

ICF Members

$20 AUD

Non Members

$50 AUD

Event Date
Continuing Coach Education Units

0.75 CCEUs in Core Competencies
0.75 CCEUs in Resource Development
